SV Discovery Grant

Supercharge your structural variant analysis

Apply to win free structural variant analysis for up to six (6) samples with the new SV Discovery Grant. In the application below, tell us more about your project proposal and how you plan to use electronic genome mapping to boost your human genomics research. We look forward to reading your abstract.

Apply by December 8, 2023!

What you win:

  • Free access to the OhmX™ platform: gain access to our state-of-the-art, high-definition genome mapping technology for up to six samples.
  • Dedicated support and expertise: benefit from the expertise of our skilled team and receive dedicated support and analytics on Human Chromosome Explorer™ powered by Hitachi High Tech.

Limited-time offering: the application window is October 26 - December 8, 2023. Up to 5 winners will be announced in February 2024.